Privacy Policy

The S4ES Personal Information Protection Policy


The Social Enterprise Ecosystem Project (S4ES) is funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and the McConnell Foundation and is made up of five partner organizations with a mission to drive social change through enterprise. S4ES does not engage in commercial activity as defined by the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and is not therefore subject to its provisions.

The Canadian CED Network is the program administrator for S4ES therefore the project will ensure its compliance with all privacy requirements outlined in the Canadian CED Network Personal Information Protection Policy.

Our privacy commitment includes ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of personal information and allowing users to request access to, and correction of, their personal information. The main ways in which the S4ES collects, uses and discloses personal and/or contact information is:

Through our Contact, Event Sponsorship and SEWF Digital 2020 Bursary forms by which we record the personal or contact information of applicants to:

  • verify identity 
  • provide updates on the status of their applications
  • communicate with applicants and send material relating only to the inquiry or program for which they submit or applied

Applicants may opt out at any time from receiving information/contact from S4ES, and may verify/correct their information at any time. S4ES does not sell or barter any personal information in its possession.

Through S4ES website analytics, the server collects the following information to help us provide the best possible experience and services to our users: 

  • Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer being used 
  • web pages requested
  • referring web page
  • browser used
  • date and time

S4ES does not associate this data to individual user identities.

We use cookies to deliver web content specific to individual users, including the storing of answers to the Investment Readiness Tool questions to provide associated resources. Sensitive personal information is not stored within cookies.

To review the full Canadian CED Network Personal Information Policy please follow the link below.

The Canadian CED Network Personal Information Protection Policy

Users should direct any complaints, concerns or questions regarding S4ES compliance with the Canadian CED Network Personal Information Protection Policy in writing to the Canadian CED Network Privacy Officer. If the Privacy Officer is unable to resolve the concern, the user may also write to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia.

Privacy Officer of the Canadian CED Network

Michael Toye Executive Director,
The Canadian CED Network
59, rue Monfette, CP 119E
Victoriaville, QC G6P 1J8
Tel.: (819) 795-3056   Fax: (819) 758-2906
e-mail: mtoye at